My Artistic Expression
As an actress, a director, a dancer, a musician and a painter, I am drawn to creative pieces in various forms through stories. I like to think outside of the box and create original works. I am drawn to colors, dynamic movements, nature, beauty and human spirit. Here is an example of my work that I share with you.
During my 2014 Paul Dresher Ensemble Artist Residency Program, my husband Francis Phan and I, experimented with projection, lighting, audio and movement. We created a solo theatrical piece which I named “Moving Space.”
My original goal was to explore various and creative ways to combine direct lighting and video projection with sound, music and movements. I was interested in seeing how various fabrics, materials and color affect lighting and therefore creating a state of mind through color, light and shadow. I was curious of videotaping something and projecting the things I videotaped.
When we combine all these elements, we instinctively used layers as we created atmosphere, mood and effects that help creating a powerful state of mind. I improvised on my violin live and danced with my violin. Inspired by the sound and the free to create, I danced and played with a few different style of movements. Eventually, Francis Phan record me improvising on the violin and together, we produced music and this video production.
My original concept was to play with lighting, audio and projection in conjunction with a single focus in a space and experiment how I could transform and move the space through this form of artistic expression. And that is why I name the piece "Moving Space."
We encourage you to observe the light and as well as the shadow as you step into this “moving space” through “The Shifting”.